

Marafiq’s Corporate Profile

Marafiq is a public joint stock company registered in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, under Commercial Registration No. 2055004968 dated 17/06/1422H (5 September 2001G). Marafiq is a leading integrated utility service provider that supplies power, water, and gas to strategically significant industrial, commercial, and residential cities across Saudi Arabia. Marafiq's main objectives include operating, maintaining, managing, expanding, and constructing seawater cooling systems, desalinated and treated water systems, sanitary and industrial wastewater systems, electric power and gas systems. This is done in order to provide essential utility services to its key operations in Jubail, Yanbu, Ras Al-Khair, Jazan, and Jeddah.




Regional Office

Marafiq’s headquarters are in Jubail

Industrial City, Eastern Province.


Yanbu Industrial City along the Red Sea


P.O.Box 11133

Jubail Industrial City 31961

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia



P.O.Box 30144

Yanbu Industrial City

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia



Jubail (Headquarters)
P.O.Box 11133
Jubail Industrial City, 31961, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

P.O.Box 30144
Yanbu Industrial City, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

2024 Marafiq. All rights reserved.