
Yanbu - Wastewater Treatment


Yanbu processed water station provides wastewater management solutions for sanitary and industrial effluent to the residential and industrial areas in Yanbu 1 and Yanbu 2.

Table of Contents

Infrastructure and Network

Highly Structured Treatment Plants for Seamless Operations


Wastewater Treatment



Re-used Treated Water for Irrigation and Fire Fighting


Infrastructure and Network

Highly Structured Treatment Plants for Seamless Operations

Yanbu’s processed water facility is one of the most equipped in the Kingdom, with two wastewater treatment plants and 113 lift stations, 73 of which are designed to collect sanitary wastewater and the other 40 to collect Industrial wastewater from the Yanbu Industrial City.

We have an extensive sewage collection network for sanitary and industrial sewage stretching to about 680 km and 65 km, respectively.

Wastewater Treatment

Quality Industrial and Sanitary Wastewater Management

Marafiq has installed two capable and dedicated plants to treat sanitary and industrial effluent in a wastewater treatment complex in the heavy industrial area.

Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant (IWTP)

Commissioned in 2014, the IWTP can treat 48,000 m3/day, using the Fenton treatment and Granulated Activated Carbon (GAC) to ensure compliance with the regulation from the Royal Commission. The plant is designed to filter out contaminants from the industrial water and make it re-usable for industrial and agriculture purposes.

Sanitary Wastewater Treatment Plant (SWTP)

The SWTP treats raw sanitary sewage coming from the community and industrial areas and has four main treatment processes, including primary, secondary, tertiary, and sludge removal. With a capacity of 47,000 m3/day, the plant provides safe irrigation water for landscape development purposes in the Royal Commission Yanbu Industrial City.


Re-used Treated Water for Irrigation and Fire Fighting

Treated water from the sanitary and industrial wastewater treatment plants is mainly used as safe irrigation water for landscape development, meeting the Royal Commission Environmental Regulation (RCER). Similarly, the treated used for firefighting and non-potable utility water for industrial use.


Jubail (Headquarters)
P.O.Box 11133
Jubail Industrial City, 31961, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

P.O.Box 30144
Yanbu Industrial City, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

2024 Marafiq. All rights reserved.